Mouse Tracks - Your Local Source for Apple Info
PMUG’s award-winning monthly journal, Mouse Tracks, is emailed to subscribed PMUG members. This locally-written digital magazine includes Macintosh news, product reviews, user tips, club news, calendars and resources. It’s a great way to learn about — and contribute to — the local Macintosh community. Contact Janet DeVore at info@pmug.org to volunteer.
Production Crew
Our Mouse Tracks crew welcomes your help. We can use a variety of production skills: writing, proofreading, page layout, image manipulation, and more. Contact Us for more information and to discuss currrent production needs. If you don’t get a timely response please call 503-228-1779. You’ll enjoy contributing your creativity to our award-winning journal.
We welcome submissions of articles or artwork for Mouse Tracks. Articles may be submitted in any text format and address any Mac-related topic, such as book reviews, games, software, hardware, websites, or events. For illustration specs see cover requirements below. Send to info@pmug.org for consideration.
Cover Artwork Requirements
The main requirement is that the creation is done on a Mac. At present, Mouse Tracks is distributed by email in PDF format. The cover trims at 8 1/4 by 11. With 1/8″ bleed on three sides, dimensions are 8 3/8 by 11 1/4. If your art occupies the full cover, take into consideration the Mouse Tracks masthead that we place at the top, to avoid having anything critical in your art being covered up. For smaller art we can create a background to complement it. Prior to submitting high-resolution art, send low-res examples to info@pmug.org. Low-res should be 72 ppi saved as jpeg at high quality. Final high-res images must be at least 266 ppi at actual size. If you need more info, contact the editor at info@pmug.org.